As we have dealt with thousands of children, on many projects on many levels, from different background, we came around to a very disturbing truth, an unbelievable truth, many kids do go hungry to bed, and we asked the children if it is the truth, but it was worse than imagined. We do what we can, but we knew we needed a new project for this, new funds, we spoke with suppliers, they will accommodate us, but they cannot give us for free. Small children go hungry in the uk, that is outrages,
this is not in Africa or some low class continent, this is the united kingdom!!
The reason sometimes, even both parents are hardworking 5 days a week, they have 4/5 or sometimes more children to look after, after bills, rent, utilities are paid, sometimes it isn’t enough, there isn’t anything left for food. So how can these kids concentrate in school on an empty stomach? Let me tell you they cannot! I spoke with some of them, it is simply not possible! So we want to start a new program to make sure that 200 families in London area, where the kids don’t get their daily ration, will the kids get their full day nutrition, this means we will be helping 200 moms 200 dads and 1000 children get an education,
for the kids to reach their potential they should be properly fed, we know a family their kids did only eat bread with onions for six months. There were repercussions in school the kids were a disaster, only than help was received. Everyone’s question was why did we wait? We don’t!! that is what we are about supporting them at the earliest possible stage
Remember these kids are Britain’s future! Let’s save them!!